Saturday, October 24, 2009

16. Mrs. Dalloway

"He was rather...a little Emily Bronte... to write, sorely" (187).

Emily Bronte is most known for publishing one book in 1847, Wuthering Heights which is about a doomed love and sweet revenge. Virginia Woolf introduces Emily Bronte into her novel through Sally and Peter. Peter, being a casual writer, had at one point given Sally some of Emily's work. Because Emily's book consists of tragic love, it gives Peter's character a sense of failure. Virginia sets Peter's character up as someone who never really finds his soulmate. He feels love, but at the same time he is convinced that it will not workout. He has only ever loved one woman, and she turned him away. Emily Bronte's
work portrays Peter's character, which is why Virginia Woolf includes her in the conversation between Peter and Sally.

"Emily Bronte." Books and Writers. 27 September 2009. 2008.

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