Friday, January 1, 2010

12.Great Expectations

"That was a memorable day for me...of the first link on one memorable day" (70).

Charles Dickens embeds throughout his novel, Great Expectations, the realization that for a series of events to occur, there had to be a starting point. He describes a domino effect and the reader is able to really understand how this action works because of Pip's situation. He helps a criminal and from committing this one action, later in life the criminal pays him back for his thoughtfulness. Pip had no idea that he would become a gentlemen because he stole from his sister and Joe. All of his previous feelings of his sneakiness rush through him when he realizes how he got to where he is. It was his past actions that lead him to his future opportunities. Dickens leaves readers thinking of their own choices within their lives.


  1. a hero quest is a made up online game -- I'm afraid you got taken on this one -- go digging into the background behind that page -- Dickens wasn't involved in this in the least -- though it may be that the name of the inn in the game came out of the game designer's experience reading G.E. -- but there's nothing really unitintg them that I can see

  2. I got rid of the previous quote and decided to start fresh with a new quote.
